Direct footpath to the thermal bath in just 6 minutes on foot !!!
3 comfortable nights with organic delicacies - breakfast buffet
3 x admission to thermal baths + sauna village (excl. high season surcharge)
If you book in the high season, the high season surcharge for thermal bath tickets will be charged directly in the company!
When booking for SAT, SUN, public holidays and open days, a surcharge of EUR 5 (per card) for thermal bath tickets will be charged directly in the company!
including all corporate Stubm services
only 7 minutes walk to the thermal baths
price excl. Resort and accommodation tax + infrastructure contribution, WE and public holiday surcharge
6 minutes walk to the thermal baths!!!
2 x nights in a comfort room with organic delicacies - breakfast buffet
2 x thermal baths + sun sauna
1 bottle of Uhudler - Frizzante / Zimmer
Including all Gmiatliche Stubm services:
Price excl. Spa and accommodation tax + infrastructure contribution, WE u. holiday surcharge
Direct footpath to the thermal bath in just 6 minutes on foot !!!
3 Komfortnächtigungen mit Bio - Schmankerl - Frühstücksbuffet
1 x Thermeineintritt + Saunadorf + Bademantel + Badetuch
1x E-Bike für den ganzen Tag
Inkl. GenussCard mit 284 Ausflugszielen kostenlos!
Bei einer Buchung für SA, SO, Feier- & Fenstertage, Ferien wird für Thermenkarten der Zuschlag von Euro 8,50 (pro Karte) direkt im Betrieb verrechnet!
Inklusive aller Gmiatlichen Stubm Leistungen :
Preis excl. Kur- und Nächtigungsabgabe +Infrastrukturbeitrag, WE u. Feiertagszuschlag